Chocolate Orange Cocktail
with orange county rooibos
- 70ml of Orange County infused vodka
- 70ml of Orange County infused simple syrup
- 80ml of Oatly chocolate milk
- 60ml of double cream (or Oatly cream)
Instructions for cocktail (makes 2):
- Drizzle the chocolate syrup around the edge of the glass before pouring the cocktail into the glass.
- Garnish with a slice of orange and add a few drops of Orange County Syrup for an extra rooibos taste.
Instructions for the simple syrup & vodka:
- Add 2 rounded teaspoons of Orange County tea into 100ml of your favourite vodka. Infuse for at least 3 hours, overnight if you want a stronger flavour.
- Using a fine tea strainer, strain off the infusion and your Orange County vodka is ready.
For the syrup (enough for two cocktails): Boil 300ml of water and 250g of sugar until the sugar is dissolved. Then add 1 rounded tablespoon of Orange County and simmer gently for 15 - 20 minutes. Leave to cool and use a fine sieve to strain out the rooibos tea. Syrup keeps well in the fridge for a couple of weeks - can be used as a topping for pancakes/ ice cream etc.
Featured Tea
Chocolate Orange / Rooibos Tea
A great tea for the winter season. Take time to enjoy the mouthwatering combination of chocolate + whole orange pieces with rooibos tea.
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